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 Masters of Fashion Illustration


商品網址: http://igrape.net/redirect.php?member=af000066045&address=%2Fexep%2Fprod%2Fbooksfile.php%3Fitem%3DF012096474%26member%3Daf000066045&manu_id=5&ad_id=0&ad_type=1003&v=aeb772dd11a37d4c2f93dc8912d85e23



商品訊息簡述: top A lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed book celebrating the work of the great fashion illustrators since the turn of the 20th century. As well as the great names in fashion illustration, such as Rene Grau and Antonio Lopez, the book also covers fine artists such as Boldini, Warhol and Hockney, and graphic designers such as Al Parker and Bob Peak, whose work has greatly influenced fashion illustration. A personal view by one of the world’s leading practitioners, the book provides an insiders insight into the world of fashion illustration.

 Masters of Fashion Illustration

商品網址: http://igrape.net/redirect.php?member=af000066045&address=%2Fexep%2Fprod%2Fbooksfile.php%3Fitem%3DF012096474%26member%3Daf000066045&manu_id=5&ad_id=0&ad_type=1003&v=aeb772dd11a37d4c2f93dc8912d85e23

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